*SOC Code (Standard Occupational Classification): 8114
Job holders in this unit group operate plant and machinery in the processing of chemical and related materials by chemical, heat or other treatment, manufacture synthetic materials and bleach, dye or otherwise treat textiles, and treat hides, skins and pelts for making into fur, leather and skin products.
Common tasks include:
There are no formal academic entry requirements, although some employers require entrants to possess GCSEs/S grades. Training is typically received on-the-job, supplemented by specialised training courses. NVQs/SVQs in Process Operations are available at Levels 1, 2 and 3.
*Introduced in 1990, SOC is a multi-purpose common classification of occupations in UK. Jobs are defined in terms of skill level and skill content, including qualifications, training and work experience.
Alternative & related job titles: Chemical and related process operatives
Mixer, ink Maker, paste (chemical mfr) Foreman, chemical Attendant, gear, extractor (gas works) Foreman (leather dressing) Washer, benzole Maker, saline Beaterman (celluloid mfr) Maker, size Hand, mill, ink Maker, ointment Worker, colour (paint mfr) Worker, process (Atomic Energy Authority) Watcher, calciner Worker, process (asbestos-cement goods mfr) Worker, soap Man, house, still (distillery) Dyer, colour Hand, furnace (charcoal mfr) Operator, producer, gas Foreman, heat (gas works) Man, kiln (chemical mfr) Plater (fertiliser mfr) Worker, process (coal gas, coke ovens) Operator, tunnel Driver, machine (asbestos-cement goods mfr) Cutter (tannery) Assistant, mixer's, colour Machinist (tannery) Grinder, paint Attendant, instrument (chemical mfr) Dryer, glue Finisher, dyers Machinist, dressing, pelt Operator, evaporator (chemical mfr) Grinder (chemical mfr) Operator, glazing Colourman Grinder, gelatine Man, extractor, fat Operator, burner, kiln (carbon goods mfr) Superintendent, refinery Technician, room, control (gas supplier) Foreman, shed (tannery) Cleaner (fellmongering) Perfumer Dyer, black (textile mfr) Worker, glycerine Calciner Superintendent, works, gas Regenerator, oil (coal gas production) Dresser (fur dressing) Scudder Mixer, depolariser Mixer, powder, fluorescent Boiler, gum (textile bleaching, dyeing) Operator, mixing Machinist, buffing (leather dressing) Operator, refinery Man, stillroom (distillery) Maker, fertilizer Muller Mixer, glue Maker, varnish, head Mixer, starch Compounder Grinder, soap, dry Man, bench (chemical mfr) Man, kiln (composition die mfr) Boiler, tar (gas works) Grinder, carbide Attendant, vat (textile bleaching, dyeing) Fireman (oil refining) Maker, petroleum Operator, extruder (chemical mfr) Operator, milling (soap, detergent mfr) Proofer, dry Dyer, master Machinist (synthetics mfr) Machinist, powder, soap Worker, installation (oil refining) Foreman (oil refining) Filterer (chemical mfr) Attendant, tar and liquor Skewerer (textile bleaching, dyeing) Stockman (manufacturing: leather dressing) Presser, powder (chemical mfr) Mixer, carbide, tungsten Worker, process (printing ink mfr) Cutter, sheet, asbestos Man, machine (asbestos composition goods mfr) Mixer (textile mfr: textile proofing) Worker, process (photographic film mfr) Potter (celluloid mfr) Foreman, spinning (man-made fibre mfr) Burnerman, acid Dyer, yarn Operator, hydro-extractor (tannery) Grainer (leather dressing) Soaker, lime Stoker, retort (coal gas production) Operator, centrifuge Parer (leather dressing) Machinist, frizing (tannery) Operator, manifold Man, evaporator (chemical mfr) Operator, disintegrator Panelman (oil refining) Proofer, yarn Worker, shed (tannery) Towerman Dyer, fur Attendant, oven (coke ovens) Attendant, filtration Melter, grease Hand, milling (soap, detergent mfr) Maker, sulphate Sensitiser, film Refiner (chemical mfr) Maker, soap Man, dreep (coal gas by-products mfr) Firer (chemical mfr) Machinist, grinding (paint mfr) Stover (leather dressing) Whizzerman (chemical mfr) Man, mill, paint Labourer, dyer's Burner, gas (coal gas, coke ovens) Grader (chemical mfr) Machinist, rotary (textile bleaching, dyeing) Operator, autoclave (chemical mfr) Mixer, fluid (engineering) Staker (leather dressing) Finisher, leather Attendant, storage, liquor Burnerman Man, wax Maker, acid Foreman, purification (gas supplier) Operative, house, dye (textile mfr) Screener, paint Egger and washer Machinist, coating Melter, fat Mixer, paste, lead Ovenman (japanning, enamelling) Foreman, stage (gas works) Dyer, brush (leather dressing) Worker, nylon (nylon mfr) Cutter, skin (tannery) Maker, salt Blender, coal (coke ovens) Worker, acid Worker, yard, tan Dipper (leather dressing) Machinist (leather dressing) Man, chlorate of soda Helper, worker's, process Cureman Polisher, brush Operator, plant, sterilising Houseman, cylinder Operator, capsulation Maker, dioxide, carbon Chamberman Annealer Foreman, oven Mixer, explosives Attendant, burner Maker, tablet (pharmaceutical mfr) Operator, process (chemical mfr) Worker, explosive Causticizer Coater (photographic film mfr) Sawduster Foreman (soap, detergent mfr) Man, plant (chemical mfr) Machinist, tableting Piecer (leather dressing) Stripper, film Maker, fibre, man-made Picker (hat mfr) Manufacturer (cosmetics mfr) Generator, acetylene Operator, plant, cracker (oil refining) Dyer, fustian Maker, resin Spinner, rayon Strainer (tannery) Boiler, oil Layer-up (tannery) Refiner (candle mfr) Worker, salt Maker, capsule (drug mfr) Boiler, soap Foreman (paint mfr) Maker, fibre, synthetic Emptier (charcoal mfr) Coater, paper Oiler, mould Dyer, jig Attendant, house, filter Machinist, jigging Furnaceman (oil refining) Dyer, operative Oiler, skin Burner, kiln (carbon goods mfr) Maker, filament, continuous Mixer, compound Worker, rayon Maker, perfumery Attendant, plant, ammonia Flesher Attendant, purifier Maker, spirit Operator, room, drum Setter (tannery) Dresser, skin Spinner, polyester Machinist, splitting (tannery) Puller (fellmongering) Gilder (leather dressing) Worker, cordite Foreman, screens (gas works: coke ovens) Waxer (leather dressing) Reeler (textile mfr: textile bleaching, dyeing) Maker, slip (pencil, crayon mfr) Mixer (accumulator, battery mfr) Moulder, pipe Fireman (coal gas, coke ovens) Sprayer, leather Stoker, gas Worker, process (chemical mfr) Dryer (soap, detergent mfr) Machinist, film, cellulose Dyer, warp Grinder, colour Finisher, caustic Worker, galenical Scourer (leather dressing) Neutraliser (chemical mfr) Worker, plant, gas Fireman (pencil, crayon mfr) Grinder, carbon (crucible mfr) Screener (chemical mfr) Heaterman (patent fuel mfr) Worker, sheepskin Fireman, gas Slicker (leather dressing) Premixer Worker, filtration, red (aluminium refining) Roller, bend (tannery) Miller, dyewood Operator, column (oxygen mfr) Mixer, emulsion Stoker, plant, gas Maker, carbon (carbon goods mfr) Boiler, glue Cleanser (soap, detergent mfr) Operator, densification Attendant, still Spinner, acetate Man, cake, salt Starcher (textile finishing) Recoverer, acetone Attendant, house, retort Man, mill (chemical mfr) Machinist (salt mfr) Cleaner, sponge Inspector, coke (coke ovens) Machinist, casting (transparent cellulose wrappings mfr) Ironer (leather dressing) Dyer, piece Screener, coke (coke ovens) Waller (salt mfr) Bruiser (leather dressing) Blender, varnish Putter-on (glue mfr) Burner, furnace, rotary (aluminium refining) Dyer, cop Worker, bleach (textile mfr) Man, mill (leather dressing) Proofer (clothing mfr) Washer, skin (fellmongering) Hollanderman Manufacturer (chemical mfr) Dyer, garment Limer (fellmongering) Attendant, plant, cooling, dry Maker, gas Operator, benzole Superintendent, works (gas supplier) Clipper (tannery) Worker, process (nuclear fuel production) Dryer, gelatine Attendant, plant, chlorination Carboniser (gas works) Maker, pipe, asbestos Mixer, dye Presser (leather dressing) Cutter, soap Assistant, refiner's Worker, chemical Toggler (leather dressing) Oilman, engine Spinner, silk, artificial Furnaceman (lead pencil, chalk, crayon mfr) Foreman (tannery) Worker, tannery Jigger (textile bleaching, dyeing) Hand, mill, finishing Cutter, sponge Man, converter (chemical mfr) Machinist (photographic film mfr) Conditioner (tannery) Pearler Attendant, plant, retort Finisher (leather dressing) Man, mixer (textile mfr) Presser (chemical mfr) Rectifier Gasman Machinist (textile mfr: textile bleaching, dyeing) Attendant, kiln (glaze and colour mfr) Furnaceman, graphitising Pulveriser Embosser (leather dressing) Sueder Mixer, resin Bleacher and dyer Cutter (glue mfr) Fractionator (chemical mfr) Operator, oven, coke Foreman (patent fuel mfr) Operator, plant, chemical Pickler (tannery) Strainer (textile printing) Operator, still Melter, emulsion Processor, pharmaceutical Bleacher, yarn Dryer (chemical mfr) Pumpman (shale oil refining) Bunkerman (chemical mfr) Splitter (leather dressing) Man, viscose (man-made fibre mfr) Hand, mill, tints Man, dehydrator, tar Currier Foreman, screen (gas works: coke ovens) Miller (chemical mfr) Attendant, oven, drying, cylinder Mixer, polish, furniture Dyer, winch Mixer, lacquer Maker, pill Drummer (tannery) Maker, dye Stretcher (tannery) Foreman, yard, tan Sifter (chemical mfr) Operator (oil refining) Attendant, furnace (chemical mfr) Handler, mud, press, red Putter-on (photographic plate mfr) Grinder (patent fuel mfr) Maker, colour Worker, digester Maker, white (wallpaper mfr) Refiner, paint Curer Worker, process (oil refining) Mixer, colour Maker, crystal Machinist, cutting (soap, detergent mfr) Attendant, washer Operator, plant, distillation Foreman, mill, blue Slipper (asbestos-cement mfr) Miller, paint Worker, bitumen Painter, hide (tannery) Maker, chemicals, fine Operator, filter, drum, rotary (chemical mfr) Blender Foreman Attendant, plant (chemical mfr) Foreman, lime Digester Maker, cream (cosmetic mfr) Acidifier Grinder, enamel Worker, process (pharmaceutical mfr) Supervisor, process (oil refining) Presser, carbon Preparer for dyeing Dyer, vat Fireman, pot Japanner (leather dressing) Worker, extract (tannery) Maker, ammunition Polisher (leather dressing) Ovenman, coke Man, catalyst Operator, mill, sheeting Maker, enamel Hand, mill (chemical mfr) Plater (leather dressing) Worker, process (ordnance factory) Foreman (spirit distilling) Impregnator (asbestos composition goods mfr) Ovenman (brake linings mfr) Worker, chlorine, electrolytic Machinist, casting, film Man, plant, benzole Mixer (chemical mfr) Maker, cosmetic Maker, grease Striper (fur dressing) Worker, products, medicinal Dropper (oil refining) Cooler (chemical mfr) Boiler, acid Drumhand Machinist (textile mfr: man-made fibre mfr) Operator, process (plastics mfr) Shaver (leather dressing) Mixer, paint Corrugator (asbestos-cement goods mfr) Operator, plant, chlorination Softener (leather dressing) Maker, oil Calenderman (asbestos-cement goods mfr) Man, pan (chemical mfr) Maker, emulsion Operator, benzol Operator, technical (chemical mfr) Boiler, fat Strainer (chemical mfr) Crusher Man, purification Coker (coal gas, coke ovens) Matcher, colour (printing) Foreman (coke ovens) Mixer, batch (chemical mfr) Operator, pumphouse, vacuum (oil refining) Attendant, oven, gas Mixer, electrolyte (electric battery mfr) Setter, leather Cager Maker, solution Attendant, plant, acid Worker, lime Painter, skin (fellmongering) Tinter (chemical mfr) Maker, pigment Man, condenser Granulator (chemical mfr) Handler (tannery) Maker, carmine Distiller Foreman, house, retort Recoverer, solvent Suspender, butt Marbler (leather dressing) Worker, process (cement mfr) Coater, tar (coal gas, coke ovens) Preparer, starch Fireman (chemical mfr) Cutter, leather (tannery) Man, rectifying Worker, dye, natural Spinner, nylon Assistant, craft (chemical works) Operator, guide Operator, plant (oil refining) Dresser, leather Dyer, hank Printer, nos (leather dressing) Controlman Squeezer (textile bleaching, dyeing) Man, mixer, slag, tar Striker, colour Maker, acetate Operator, pan, vacuum (chemical mfr) Drencher Fireman, retort Foreman (chemical mfr) Trimmer (leather dressing) Hand, explosive Hand, trowel (cement mfr) Spinner, viscose Operator, treatment, heat Wheeler, wet (leather dressing) Operative, dyer's Boiler, size Foreman, purifier, gas Attendant, heat Jigger (leather dressing) Dryer, colour (dyestuffs mfr) Worker, carbide Tinter, paint Man, still Cleaner, bone Man, lime Jobber (leather dressing) Stover, seasoning Machinist, setting (leather dressing) Furnaceman, barium Foreman (textile mfr: man-made fibre mfr) Labourer, house, dye Burner (chemical mfr) Man, kiln, char Worker, refinery, oil Maker, starch (textile mfr) Worker, process (explosives mfr) Painter (tannery) Man, gelatine (explosives mfr) Crusher, calamine Fellmonger Man, kiln, carbon Coater, celluloid (film mfr) Loader (charcoal mfr) Maker, lead, red Attendant, plant, breeze Machinist, cutting Turner (leather dressing) Washer (fellmongering) Worker, house, dye (textile mfr) Grinder, bone Machinist (chemical mfr) Heater, retort (chemical mfr) Hand, installation (oil refining) Maker, chloride, ammonium Operator, plant, gas Machinist, paint (paint mfr) Supervisor (oil refining) Tubber (leather dressing) Drawer, kiln (chemical mfr) Foreman, kiln (carbon goods mfr) Oiler (leather dressing) Man, drum (tannery) Worker, process (leather mfr) Heater (coal gas, coke ovens) Superintendent (gas supplier) Worker, gas Hand, boiling, soap Hand, filtration (chemical mfr) Comber (fur dressing) Machinist, brushing (leather dressing) Mixer, soap Attendant, retort (coal gas, coke ovens) Man, pan, acid Heater, oven, coke Mixer, enamel Operator, reproduction (atomic energy establishment) Attendant, chlorination Mixer (pencil, crayon mfr) Operator, process (pharmaceutical mfr) Boiler, salt Operator, plant, oxygen Worker, process (plastics mfr) Sizeman Maker, polish Brightener, oil Scourer, grease Technician, process (chemical mfr) Washer (tannery) Breaker, slag Trimmer, asbestos Worker, process (lubricating oil mfr) Attendant, condenser Mixer, oil Superintendent, plant (refinery) Assembler, cell (chemical mfr) Puller, wool (fellmongering) Stoker (coal gas, coke ovens) Brusher (leather finishing) Maker, corticine Blender, batch Impregnator, armature Proofer, water (textile mfr) Foreman (dyeworks) Stripper and setter (soap, detergent mfr) Attendant, evaporator Doubler (textile mfr: textile bleaching, dyeing) Maker, oxide, lead Washer (chemical mfr) Carrotter Foreman, battery (coke ovens) Wheeler (leather dressing) Operator, plant, sedimentation (chemical mfr) Foreman, polish Attendant, plant, water Blender, colour (chemical mfr) Worker, oven, coke Man, cellroom Shearer (leather dressing) Manufacturer, chemical Methylator Man, tar (coal gas by-products mfr) Skiver (leather dressing) Dyer, fibre Hand, set Worker, autoclave (aluminium refining) Bander (textile mfr: textile bleaching, dyeing) Operator, vessel, reaction Washer, coke Lofter Purifier Attendant, producer, gas Lifter, butt Attendant, centrifugal (chemical mfr) Presser (patent fuel mfr) Dyer, head Hand, screen (coal gas, coke ovens) Skinner (tannery) Superintendent, platform (coal tar distillers) Operator, mill, ball (chemical mfr) Man, lump (salt mfr) Presser (pencil, crayon mfr) Operator, saw, band (asbestos goods mfr) Operator, retort (coal gas production) Soaker (leather dressing) Manufacturer (leather mfr) Supervisor, process (explosives mfr) Dyer, glove Worker, process (soap, detergent mfr) Trimmer, sponge Worker, magazine Operator, chemical Boiler, starch Foreman, plant, crushing Maker, lime Roller, belly Furnaceman (gas works) Worker, process (toilet preparations mfr) Foreman, plant, carbonisation Fireman (composition die mfr) Burner, chalk Burner-off Mixer, chemicals (textile mfr) Maker, tallow Man, retort (charcoal mfr) Man, acid Machinist, embossing (leather dressing) Washer, cake (man-made fibre mfr) Maker, composition Attendant, house, boiling Boiler Foreman, plant, reforming Dyer, hat Maker, ink Haulier, butt Operator, autoclave (asbestos composition goods mfr) Worker, plant (chemical mfr) Worker, process (adhesive and sealants mfr) Operator, gas Dyer, skein Foreman, process Slurryman Grinder, ink Operator, kettle (chemical mfr) Worker, whiting Hand, bench (chemical mfr) Salter (tannery) Man, filter (chemical mfr) Foreman, room, mill (fur dressing) Tapper (carbide mfr) Foreman (coal gas by-products mfr) Worker, process (cellulose film mfr) Shedman (leather dressing) Foreman (gas supplier: gas works) Denierer (man-made fibre mfr) Machinist, carding (fur dressing) Mixer, chemical (textile mfr) Dyer, calico Maker, varnish Maker, chloroform Operator, plant, sulphur Operator, process (oil refining) Mixer, size (paper mfr) Concentrator Miller, soap Doper (leather dressing) Foreman (toilet preparations mfr) Dyer, job Maker, paint Tanner Splitter, skin Mixer, clay (paper mfr) Furnaceman, calcining Foreman (slag wool mfr) Helper (salt mfr) Man, mill, lead Maker, lacquer Charger, kiln Man, suspender Roller, leather Presser, brush, carbon Burrer Mixer, dope Worker, process (tannery) Dyer, beam Man, sulphonator Blender, coal (steel mfr) Dyer Maker, chemical, fine Maker, paste (paper goods mfr) Fireman (salt mfr) Refiner (oil refining) Worker, plant (coke ovens) Worker, process (fat recovery) Operator, process, chemical Attendant, plant (gas works) Machinist, staking Nailer (tannery) Foreman (ordnance factory: explosive mfr) Hand, mill, grinding Man, carbonator Mixer, cosmetic Machinist, compressing Furnaceman (red lead mfr) Man, stillhouse (distillery) Converter, polythene Worker, yard, lime Man, house, char Mixer, carbon Burner (charcoal mfr) Blender, oil Attendant (gas works) Finisher, fur Stocksman Extractor (chemical mfr) Coater, plate, dry Coater, sugar (pharmaceutical mfr) Dresser, fur Attendant, heats Dyer, hair Hand, plant, acid Maker, block, fuel Coater, tablet Attendant, mill, wash Operator, house, dye (textile mfr) Padder (leather dressing) Worker, fuseroom (chemical mfr) Grader, coke Cutter, gimson (brake linings mfr) Supervisor, process (chemical mfr) Man, extractor (chemical mfr) Maker, briquette Proofer, water (clothing mfr) Boiler, grease Foreman, house, gas Grinder, wet Siever (chemical mfr) Coater, emulsion Degreaser (tannery) Finisher (photographic film mfr) Jobber (textile mfr: textile bleaching, dyeing) Operator, synthesis (chemical mfr) Proofer (textile mfr) Worker, process (textile mfr: man-made fibre mfr) Bunkerman, kiln (lime burning) Compressor, tablet Foreman (textile mfr: bleaching, dyeing) Man, liquor (leather tanning) Worker, house, retort (coal gas, coke ovens) Blender, grease Attendant, press (chemical mfr) Bater Dresser (leather dressing) Machinist (soap, detergent mfr) Man, kiln (asbestos composition goods mfr) Worker, leather (leather dressing) Foreman, retort (gas works) Machinist, filter Worker, process (paint mfr) Operator, extrusion (chemical mfr) Gasman (gas works) Scutcher (textile mfr: textile bleaching, dyeing) Miller, solvent Foreman (blue and starch mfr) Maker, cellulose Man, oxidiser Splitter, mica Mixer (composition die mfr) Foreman, carbonising (coal gas, coke ovens) Delimer Drum and cagehand (tannery) Grinder, slag Miller, madder Blender, liquor Puller (fur dressing) Dyer, clothes Grinder, resin Man, table (leather dressing) Attendant, plant, grading, coke Attendant, plant, sulphate Dryer (tannery) Operator, plant, benzole Maker, powder Paster (leather dressing) Thinner (varnish mfr) Foreman, plant, gas Attendant, plant, tar Operator, mill, pug Worker, process (patent fuel mfr) Shredder (chemical mfr) Operator, hydro-extractor (chemical mfr) Operator, skin and hide Man, grease Man, generator Mixer, solution Boilerman Technician, plant (chemical mfr) Worker, gas, chlorine Hammerman (leather dressing) Machinist (plastics mfr) Foreman, hearth, soak Machinist, graphite Spinner (textile mfr: man-made fibre mfr) Burner, gypsum Operator, process (man-made fibre mfr) Attendant, screen (gas works) Furnaceman (chemical mfr) Attendant, plant, gas Attendant, oven (chemical mfr) Glazer (leather dressing) Pickler (fellmongering) Cleaner, hide Operator, treater (petroleum refining) Proofer, rot Dyer, cord Blender, pigment Brusher, glove Mixer, paste (paper goods mfr) Bunkerman, kiln (chemical mfr) Jiggerman Man, plant, benzol Machinist, impregnating (plastics goods mfr) Splitter, hide Tenter, jig Mixer, acid Re-dyer Maker, mat, sheepskin Producer, gas Man, room, still (distillery) Hand, bleach (textile mfr) Oiler (varnish mfr) Man, retort (coal gas, coke ovens) Matcher, colour (paint mfr) Strainer (paint mfr) Worker, paint (paint mfr) Man, mill (carbon goods mfr) Worker, coke (coke ovens) Machinist, hide (leather merchants) Tinter, enamel (enamel mfr) Chamberman (chemical mfr) Dyer, carpet Worker, process (polish mfr) Setter, machine (tannery) Mixer, bleach Machinist, fleshing Bleacher Maker, glue Operator, plant (chemical mfr) Fluffer Foreman (plastics mfr) Manufacturer, gas Operator, furnace, electric (enamelling) Dyer, skin Operator, plant, benzol Scrubberman (coke ovens) Attendant, composition Dyer, vessel Precipitator Maker, lead, white Man, purifier Operator, plant (coal gas, coke ovens) Washer, benzol Worker, pharmaceutical Roller (leather dressing) Attendant, paraffin
Breaking down the official government big data sources by gender, age and region. Hours and pay data based on full time equlivalent roles.