*SOC Code (Standard Occupational Classification): 5244
IT engineers install, maintain and repair the physical components of computer systems and equipment.
Common tasks include:
Entry is possible with a variety of academic qualifications and/or relevant experience. Entrants typically possess GCSEs/S grades and A levels/H grades, BTEC/SQA awards or a degree. Training is usually provided on-the-job supplemented by specialised courses. Postgraduate and professional qualifications, and NVQs/SVQs at Levels 2 and 3 are available.
*Introduced in 1990, SOC is a multi-purpose common classification of occupations in UK. Jobs are defined in terms of skill level and skill content, including qualifications, training and work experience.
Alternative & related job titles: Computer system and equipment installers and servicers
Computer repairer Computer service engineer Hardware engineer (computer) IT engineer Maintenance engineer (computer servicing)
Breaking down the official government big data sources by gender, age and region. Hours and pay data based on full time equlivalent roles.