Pay and conditions

Negotiating salary

1. Do your research

Try to find out about the pay scale of the company, and find out the industry standard salary for the job. If the company usually hires from within, you may have to accept an entry-level salary with a view to working your way up through promotion.

Equality in the workplace

The Equality Act 2010

In October 2010, the Equality Act 2010 replaced and simplified over 100 pieces of anti-discrimination legislation and also enhanced workers’ rights. It outlaws sexism, racism, ageism and other forms of discrimination in the workplace and promotes equality and diversity.

It sets out a number of so-called “protected characteristics”.  Employers must not discriminate against workers on the basis of:

Asking for a pay rise

Get prepared

  • Arm yourself with substantial evidence to back up your request outside of your regular appraisal.
  • Research what the going market rate is for your job. If possible, find out what your colleagues earn doing the same job.
  • Make a list of recent examples of when you performed particularly well.
  • Prepare your opening line - initiating this discussion can be intimidating.

Arrange a one-to-one with your boss

  • Approaching them in person is more effective.