*SOC Code (Standard Occupational Classification): 1225
Leisure and sports managers organise, direct and co-ordinate the activities and resources required for the provision of sporting, artistic, theatrical and other recreational and amenity services.
Common tasks include:
Both graduate and non-graduate entry is possible. Off- and on-the-job training is provided. NVQs/SVQs in relevant areas are available at Levels 3 and 4. Professional qualifications may also be required for some posts.
*Introduced in 1990, SOC is a multi-purpose common classification of occupations in UK. Jobs are defined in terms of skill level and skill content, including qualifications, training and work experience.
Alternative & related job titles: Leisure and sports managers
Owner (club: sports) Manager, club, social Manager, centre, fitness Owner (health and fitness studio) Manager, cinema Manager, school (riding school) Owner, museum Manager, alley, bowling Manager (sports activities) Manager, hall, bingo Manager, museum Manager, hall, dance Owner (school: riding) Manager (cable television broadcasting) Manager, house Manager, circuit Manager (betting and gambling: casino, gaming club) Manager (bingo hall) Owner (club: night) Director, gallery Manager (snooker, billiards hall) Manager (social club) Owner (skating rink) Manager, marina Clerk of the course Manager, baths Manager, operations (leisure services) Manager (radio station) Manager (theatre) Manager (health and fitness club) Manager, service (leisure services) Manager, services, recreation Manager (radio broadcasting) Manager, fairground Manager Owner, club, night Manager, club, health Manager, services, leisure Owner, hall, dance Manager, park Owner (riding stable) Director, operational, bound, outward Manager, park, theme Manager (health club) Manager, promotions, sports Manager (leisure centre) Owner (dance hall) Manager, centre, sports Owner, cinema Owner (cinema) Manager, theatre Owner, school, riding Manager (public baths) Manager, centre, bound, outward Manager, stand Manager, circus Manager (amusement arcade) Manager, ground, cricket Manager, centre, arts Owner, arcade, amusement Director, museum Manager, ground, football Manager (golf club) Manager, stadium Manager, room, ball Manager, pursuits, outdoor Director, gallery, art Manager, club Owner (museum) Manager (night club) Owner, club, sports Manager, leisure Manager, bound, outward Manager, club (football club) Manager, arcade, amusement Manager, front of house Manager (television: production, broadcasting) Manager (riding school) Manager, bingo Master, club Director, zoo Manager (football club) Manager, course, golf Owner (snooker, billiards hall) Manager, broadcasting Manager, entertainment Manager, hall, concert Manager, racecourse Owner, circus Owner (amusement arcade) Manager, rink, skating Clerk and steward Manager, casino Manager, baths, sauna Owner (skittle alley) Manager (cinema) Manager, gallery Manager, sports Owner (circus) Manager, centre, leisure
Breaking down the official government big data sources by gender, age and region. Hours and pay data based on full time equlivalent roles.