*SOC Code (Standard Occupational Classification): 5212
Moulders, core makers and die casters make sand, loam and plaster moulds and cores for casting metal and pour or inject molten metal into dies by hand or machine.
Common tasks include:
Entrants typically possess GCSEs/S grades or have relevant practical experience. Training is by apprenticeship including practical experience and technical training. Apprenticeships in Engineering Material Processing at NVQ/SVQ Level 3 are available.
*Introduced in 1990, SOC is a multi-purpose common classification of occupations in UK. Jobs are defined in terms of skill level and skill content, including qualifications, training and work experience.
Alternative & related job titles: Moulders, core makers and die casters
Moulder (metal trades) Moulder, grate, stove Maker, mould (foundry) Moulder, roll Moulder, founder's, pipe Caster, die Maker, pattern, foundry Moulder, bench Moulder, pipe Operator, cast, die Moulder, stove Moulder, sand Worker, shop, core (metal trades) Moulder, cylinder Man, mould (steelworks) Assembler, core (foundry) Moulder, gutter Moulder, plate Moulder, steel Corer (foundry) Moulder, aluminium Moulder, loam Moulder (chemical mfr) Moulder, butyl Moulder, hand (metal trades) Moulder, pattern Moulder, wheel (metal trades) Maker, chair (foundry) Moulder, core Moulder, spray Rammer (foundry) Maker, core (metal trades) Moulder, machine Potman (metal mfr: die casting) Maker, core (coal mine) Caster at machine Moulder, copper Rammer, chair Blower, core Maker, core, foundry Maker, pipe (foundry) Moulder, metal, gun Moulder, pipe, iron Moulder, iron Hand, tub (foundry) Moulder, shell Moulder, foundry Riddler, sand (foundry) Filer, core Moulder and coremaker (foundry) Moulder, brass Rammer-up Moulder, connection Moulder, floor Moulder (coal mine) Machinist, casting, die
Breaking down the official government big data sources by gender, age and region. Hours and pay data based on full time equlivalent roles.