*SOC Code (Standard Occupational Classification): 7130
Sales supervisors oversee operations and directly supervise and coordinate the activities of sales and related workers in retail and wholesale establishments.
Common tasks include:
No minimum academic qualifications are required although some employers may require GCSEs/S grades or A levels/H grades along with relevant work experience. NVQs/SVQs in Retail Operations are available at Levels 1 and 2, and apprenticeships may be available in some areas. Professional qualifications are relevant in some areas of selling and may be an advantage.
*Introduced in 1990, SOC is a multi-purpose common classification of occupations in UK. Jobs are defined in terms of skill level and skill content, including qualifications, training and work experience.
Alternative & related job titles: Sales supervisors
Foreman, dairy (retail trade) Foreman (petrol station) Supervisor, sales (retail trade: delivery round) Supervisor, trade (retail trade) Manager, trading (retail trade) Foreman, shop (retail trade) Foreman, rounds Supervisor, retail Supervisor, market Manager, provisions Foreman (retail trade) Manager, product (retail trade) Supervisor, telesales Manager, line (retail trade) Supervisor, produce Manager, concessions Manager, floor (retail, wholesale trade) Controller, till Manager, replenishment Supervisor, kiosk (retail trade) Leader, team, telesales Manager, counter (retail trade) Manager, depot (wholesale, retail trade) Manager, produce (retail trade) Supervisor, cash (retail trade) Supervisor, room, show Manager, clothing (retail trade) Supervisor, centre, service (electricity supplier) Supervisor, shop (retail trade) Manager, forecourt Manager, counter, trade Assistant, senior (retail trade) Walker, floor Inspector, rounds (wholesale, retail trade) Manager, grocery Walker, shop Manager, parts Superintendent, floor (department store) Supervisor, store (retail trade) Foreman (provision merchants) Foreman, forecourt Controller, deli Manager, food, fresh (retail trade) Inspector, round (wholesale, retail trade) Supervisor, check-out Manager, bakery (retail trade) Leader, team, operation, sales (retail trade) Checker (dairy) Manager, concession Manager, section (retail trade) Foreman (dairy: retail trade) Superintendent (retail trade) Supervisor (retail, wholesale trade) Leader, section (retail trade) Leader, team (retail trade) Supervisor, counter (wholesale, retail trade) Supervisor, supermarket Manager, department (retail trade) Manager, check-out Supervisor, sales (retail trade) Foreman, district (retail trade)
Breaking down the official government big data sources by gender, age and region. Hours and pay data based on full time equlivalent roles.