*SOC Code (Standard Occupational Classification): 8122
Common tasks include:
*Introduced in 1990, SOC is a multi-purpose common classification of occupations in UK. Jobs are defined in terms of skill level and skill content, including qualifications, training and work experience.
Alternative & related job titles: Coal mine operatives
Labourer (coal mine) Worker, pit (coal mine) Assistant, timberman (coal mine) Man, job, odd (coal mine) Operator, cutter, coal Overman, deputy (coal mine) Chocker (coal mine) Bolter, roof (coal mine) Picker (coal mine) Canchman (coal mine) Crusher, coal (coal mine) Ganger (coal mine) Tipper (coal mine) Attendant, washery (coal mine) Worker, mine (coal mine) Attendant, hopper (coal mine) Infuser, water (coal mine) Hitcher (coal mine) Striker, catch (coal mine) Man, haulage (coal mine) Byeworker (coal mine) Stower, coal Man, pan (coal mine) Man, salvage (coal mine) Worker, task (coal mine) Headman, gear (coal mine) Attendant, tippler (coal mine) Screenworker (coal mine) Worker, haulage (coal mine) Attendant, creeper (coal mine) Worker, salvage (coal mine) Hand, datal (coal mine) Attendant, aerial (mine: above ground) Hand, screen (coal mine) Cleaner, belt (coal mine) Man, screen (coal mine) Propper (coal mine) Shearer (coal mine: below ground) Knocker, catch (coal mine) Deputy (coal mine) Hand, salvage (coal mine) Worker, screen (coal mine) Propman (coal mine) Man, supply (coal mine) Haulier (coal mine) Driver (coal mine: below ground: Worker, piece (coal mine) Suppressor, dust (coal mine) Scalloper (coal mine) Cleaner, wagon (coal mine) Repairer, airway (coal mine) Drawer, salvage (coal mine) Drawer, steel (coal mine) Cleaner (coal mine) Officer, control, roof (coal mine) Assistant, onsetter's Man, haulage, face Washer, coal (coal mine) Examiner (coal mine) Bunkerman (coal mine) Assistant, borer's (coal mine) Assistant, collier Attendant, tipper (coal mine) Linesman, survey (coal mine) Stoneman (coal mine) Transporter, cable (coal mine) Companyman (coal mine) Worker, colliery Assistant, repairer's (coal mine) Hewer (coal mine) Attendant, loader (coal mine) Topman (coal mine) Worker, odd (coal mine) Runner, wagon (coal mine) Minder, belt (coal mine) Cutterman (coal mine) Sumper Drawer, prop (coal mine) Loader, power (coal mine) Teemer, coal (coal mine: above ground) Contractor, stone (coal mine) Shotsman (coal mine) Drawer-off (coal mine) Foreman (coal mine: opencast) Worker, stone (coal mine) Man, contractor's (coal mine) Assistant, timberman's (coal mine) Driver, shearer (coal mine) Lighter, shot (coal mine) Operator, flotation, froth (coal mine) Runner, belt (coal mine) Dinker (coal mine) Stripper (coal mine) Operator, slusher (coal mine) Worker, development (coal mine) Filler, tub (coal mine) Attendant, landing (coal mine) Filler (coal mine) Firer, shot (coal mine) Man, machine (coal mine) Man, surface (coal mine) Switchman (coal mine) Worker, shift (coal mine) Latcher (coal mine) Attendant, landsale Cutter (coal mine) Digger, coal (coal mine) Tipplerman (coal mine) Bunker (coal mine) Loaderman, power (coal mine) Man, utility (coal mine) Trimmer (coal mine) Shifter (coal mine) Truckman (coal mine) Attendant, car, mine Screener (coal mine) Foreman, working (coal mine) Worker, general (coal mine) Attendant, coal Filler, coal Attendant, tipper (coal mine: above ground) Attendant, depot (coal mine) Dismantler (coal mine) Man, market (coal mine) Panner (coal mine) Stemmer (coal mine) Packer (coal mine) Bunkerman (blast furnace) Dumper (coal mine) Assistant, shotfirer's (coal mine) Supplier, timber (coal mine) Borer, methane (coal mine) Drawer (coal mine) Developer (coal mine) Extractor (coal mine) Brakesman (coal mine) Attendant, rope (coal mine) Wageman (coal mine) Driller (coal mine) Drifter (coal mine) Assistant, banksman's (coal mine) Conductor, paddy Getter (coal mine) Worker, ground, above (coal mine) Foreman (coal mine) Filler, conveyor (coal mine: below ground) Maker, manhole Worker, underground (coal mine) Scraper (coal mine) Worker, transit (coal mine) Emptier, wagon (coal mine) Attendant, journey (coal mine) Helper, collier's Burster Fireman (coal mine: below ground) Hanger-on (coal mine) Assistant, collier's Officer, salvage (coal mine) Operator, loader, power Fixer, girder (coal mine) Patrolman (coal mine) Hand, washery (coal mine) Gummer (coal mine) Washer, hand (coal mine) Repairer, road (coal mine) Worker, contract (coal mine) Spragger (coal mine) Transporter, supplies (coal mine) Official (coal mine) Operator, disc (coal mine) Drawer, timber (coal mine) Brusher (coal mine) Trimmer, face (coal mine) Cutterman, coal Controller, conveyer (coal mine) Bumper (coal mine) Hand, haulage (coal mine) Picker, stone (coal mine) Timberer (coal mine) Cleaner, spillage Worker, face (coal mine) Clipper (coal mine) Worker, ground, under (coal mine) Rider (coal mine) Cleaner, lamp (coal mine) Overman (mining) Collier (coal mine) Screener, coal Stower (coal mine) Hand, brow (mining) Miner (coal mine) Machinist (coal mine) Machinist, cutting (coal mine) Sorter, coal (coal mine) Worker, surface (coal mine) Leader, girder (coal mine) Manipulator, tub (coal mine) Presser, filter (coal mine) Minder, turn (coal mine) Man, waste, assistant (coal mine) Hand, surface (coal mine) Drawer, waste (coal mine) Machinist, boring (coal mine) Patrol (coal mine) Borer (coal mine: above ground) Beltman (coal mine) Cutter, coal (coal mine) Foreman, plant, cleaning, dry (coal mine) Inspector, belt (coal mine) Miner, coal Operator, cleaner, dry (coal mine) Beltman (coal mine: above ground) Tracker (coal mine) Foreman, traffic (coal mine: below ground) Header (coal mine) Changer, rope (coal mine) Waterman (coal mine) Man, waste (coal mine) Worker, repair (coal mine) Loader, conveyor (coal mine) Man, button, colliery Fitter, chock (coal mine) Cutter, machine (coal mine) Foreman, coal Machinist, loading, power Attendant, paddy (coal mine) Grader (coal mine) Linesman (coal mine) Man, pit (coal mine) Trimmer, coal (coal mine) Borer (coal mine) Smudger Setter, prop (coal mine) Operator, switch (coal mine) Loader (coal mine) Miner, coal, opencast Helper, collier Holder, stall (coal mine) Man, infusion, water Man, heading, hard Worker, slurry (coal mine) Putter (coal mine) Handyman, nos (coal mine) Filler, truck (coal mine) Shifthand (coal mine) Landsaler (coal mine) Chargeman (coal mine) Driftman (coal mine) Sinker (coal mine) Leader, timber (coal mine) Man, timber (coal mine) Repairer (coal mine) Loader, timber (coal mine) Worker, waste (coal mine) Ripper (coal mine) Drawer, chock (coal mine) Stower, power Tunneller (coal mine)
Breaking down the official government big data sources by gender, age and region. Hours and pay data based on full time equlivalent roles.