*SOC Code (Standard Occupational Classification): 8118
Electroplaters operate continuous plant to coat metal parts and articles electrolytically, form metal articles by electro- and vacuum-deposition, dip and spray articles with another metal, plastic powder or other material and treat articles chemically to produce desired surface finishes.
Common tasks include:
There are no formal academic entry requirements. Training is typically provided on-the-job. NVQs/ SVQs in Product Coating are available at Levels 2 and 3.
*Introduced in 1990, SOC is a multi-purpose common classification of occupations in UK. Jobs are defined in terms of skill level and skill content, including qualifications, training and work experience.
Alternative & related job titles: Electroplaters
Dipper, metal Finisher, chromium Operator, dip (metal trades) Metalliser (lamp, valve mfr) Plater, tool, edge (surgical instrument mfr) Plater, chrome Attendant, electrolytic Metalliser, spray Tinner, coil Worker, nickel (electroplating) Assistant, silverer's Coater (tinplate mfr) Plater, lock Plater, cadmium Silverer (glass mfr) Plater, chromium Tinner, grease Hand, vat (electroplating) Plater, metal, white Anodiser Operator, plating Dipper (arc welding electrode mfr) Operator, vat (metal mfr) Plater, tin Sprayer (electroplating) Plater, copper Plater, nickel Bronzer Coater, colour Depositor (electroplating) Dipper (galvanising) Plater, barrel Assistant, dip, hot Plater, needle Bonderiser Machinist, gold Man, tin (tinplate mfr) Operator, plant, vacuum Electroformer Tinner, wire Plater (electroplating) Tanker (galvanised sheet mfr) Stripper (electroplating) Silverer (electroplating) Cutter-through (steelworks) Plater, brass Coater, powder Proofer, rust Plater, wire Browner Machinist, plating (metal trades) Bronzer, metal Operator, plant, plating Plater, gold Sprayer, coat, powder Changer, gold Dipper (precious metal, plate mfr) Operator, house, tin Gilder and plater Plater, electro Attendant, bath, copper (glass mfr) Chromer (metal trades) Machinist, plating, wire Foreman, electroplating Electroplater Attendant, anode Tinner (metal trades) Plater, metal Vatman (wire mfr) Illuminiser Dipper, wire Plater and gilder Electro-brasser Plater, hand Oxidiser (metal trades) Plater, dip Tinner, copper Foreman (electroplating) Coater (wire mfr) Attendant, baths, copper (glass mfr) Backer, mirror Cleaner (galvanised sheet mfr) Dipper, galvanising Sprayer, metal Plater, silver Phosphater Tinplater (tinplate mfr) Minder, cell (galvanising) Galvaniser
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