*SOC Code (Standard Occupational Classification): 5112
Horticultural trades workers intensively cultivate vegetables, plants, fruit, shrubs, trees and flowers in greenhouses, market gardens, nurseries and orchards.
Common tasks include:
There are no formal academic entry requirements. NVQs/SVQs in Horticulture are available at Levels 1, 2 and 3. Professional qualifications from the Royal Horticultural Society are also available.
*Introduced in 1990, SOC is a multi-purpose common classification of occupations in UK. Jobs are defined in terms of skill level and skill content, including qualifications, training and work experience.
Alternative & related job titles: Horticultural trades
Planter, tea Pruner (fruit growing) Fruitman, head Manufacturer, seed Foreman, house, glass Pruner (horticultural nursery) Technician, horticultural Propagator Planter, tree Assistant, nursery (horticultural nursery) Grower Assistant, gardener's (horticultural nursery) Assistant, house, green Gardener (market gardening) Assistant, nursery (agriculture) Foreman (horticulture) Landscaper, interior Gardener, nursery Pruner, tree (fruit growing) Gardener (fruit growing) Gardener (horticultural nursery) Fruitman Supervisor, nursery Assistant, gardener's (market gardening) Foreman (horticultural nursery) Gardener, market Planter, coffee Assistant, horticultural Grower (ornamental tree nursery) Planter, rubber Assistant, nursery, garden Planter, tobacco Horticulturist Nurseryman Worker, seed Gardener, fruit Grafter (agriculture) Horticulturalist Cultivator, watercress
Breaking down the official government big data sources by gender, age and region. Hours and pay data based on full time equlivalent roles.