*SOC Code (Standard Occupational Classification): 3561
Public services associate professionals supervise, manage and undertake general administrative work in national and local government departments, organise the activities of local offices of national government departments, and promote the image and understanding of an organisation and its products and services to consumers and other specified audiences.
Common tasks include:
Although there are no formal academic entry requirements, entrants typically possess A levels/H grades or an equivalent qualification, and many entrants possess a degree. Entry may be possible by promotion from clerical grades for those with suitable experience. Training is typically provided on-the-job, supplemented by specialised courses. Professional qualifications are available in some areas.
*Introduced in 1990, SOC is a multi-purpose common classification of occupations in UK. Jobs are defined in terms of skill level and skill content, including qualifications, training and work experience.
Alternative & related job titles: Public services associate professionals
Manager (Jobcentre Plus) Officer, patient advice and liaison service Manager, elections Servant, civil C4 (Jobcentre Plus) Officer, revenue, principal (local government) Coordinator, experience, work B2 (Cabinet Office) Counsellor (government) Officer, clerical, higher (government) Grade B (DCMS) Grade 8 (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) C2 (Jobcentre Plus) Executive, postal (PO: Band 4 (Health and Safety Executive) Officer, management, waste A3 (Dept for International Development) Collector, chief (HM Revenue and Customs) Grade 10 (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) Officer, assurance, VAT (government) Officer, determination (local government) Officer, presenting (government) Officer, principal (local government) Collector, regional Officer, support, budget Collector, grade, higher (HM Revenue and Customs) LOI (Jobcentre Plus) Officer, division (Ordnance Survey) Officer, development, policy (local government) Band D (National Assembly for Wales) Officer, securities (government) Manager, amenity, area Officer, local I (Jobcentre Plus) Officer-in-charge (HM Revenue and Customs) PO, nos (local government) C2 (Office for National Statistics) Manager, branch (government) Collector (HM Revenue and Customs) Officer, executive, higher (government) Supervisor (Jobcentre Plus) Administrator (hospital service) Officer, value, best (local government) Officer, cohesion, community Manager, office, insurance (Jobcentre Plus) Superintendent, highways (local government) RE1 (Land Registry) Officer, executive, senior (government) Cashier, chief (government) Clerk, chief (government) HEO (government) Inspector, staff (government) Leader, team, benefit (local government) SO, nos (local government) C3 (Office for National Statistics) Officer, executive, senior (PO) Band D (Ministry of Justice) Band E (Ministry of Justice) Officer, PALS Clerk, principal (government) Supervisor (local government) C4 (Office for National Statistics) Assistant, services, democratic Officer, substitution, grade I (MOD) Officer, European (local government) Officer, agricultural (government) Officer, information Officer, regional (government) Leader, team (local government) Officer, executive, higher (D) (government: Manager, tax, council C1 (Office for National Statistics) Officer, recycling (local government) Band 3A (Meteorological Office) Officer, regeneration (local government) Officer, control, senior (HM Revenue and Customs) Manager, services, electoral Officer, appointments (government) Officer, service, foreign Officer, equipment (local government) Officer, awareness, waste Band 3C (Meteorological Office) Superintendent, rents (local government) Band 3B (Meteorological Office) Coordinator, project (local government) Controller (government) B1 (Northern Ireland Office) B2 (Scottish Government) Officer, project, regeneration (local government) Superintendent, grain (DEFRA) Officer, finance, regional C3 (Jobcentre Plus) Officer, higher (HM Revenue and Customs) Controller, regional (government) Collector, senior (government) Superintendent of Stamping Officer, services, democratic Band E (National Assembly for Wales) Officer, staff (government) Officer, area (government) AP(T) (local government: Band 3 (Health and Safety Executive) Officer, chief (community health) Officer, establishment (government) Manager, protection, environmental Manager, bed B3 (Scottish Government) Grade 9 (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) Manager, team (HM Revenue and Customs) Officer, VAT (government) B2 (Northern Ireland Office) SEO (government) Officer, monitoring, environmental Administrator, hospital Officer, group, senior (MOD) Officer, revenue, senior (local government) Superintendent (Land Registry) B1 (Dept for International Development) Payband 3 (Dept of Health) Officer, executive, higher (PO)
Breaking down the official government big data sources by gender, age and region. Hours and pay data based on full time equlivalent roles.