*SOC Code (Standard Occupational Classification): 5244
TV, video and audio engineers service and repair domestic television, video and audio appliances.
Common tasks include:
Entrants typically possess GCSEs/S grades or an equivalent qualification such as an Intermediate GNVQ/GSVQ Level II. Training is provided off- and on-the-job and may be supplemented by short courses delivered by manufacturers. NVQs/SVQs in Domestic Appliance Engineering are available at Level 3.
*Introduced in 1990, SOC is a multi-purpose common classification of occupations in UK. Jobs are defined in terms of skill level and skill content, including qualifications, training and work experience.
Alternative & related job titles: TV, video and audio engineers
Engineer, television Installer, television Engineer, video Engineer, satellite Tester, radio Engineer, radio Fitter, television Mechanic, service Engineer, electronics (television, video, audio repairing) Engineer, radio and television Engineer, field Technician, radio Technician, television and video Mender Engineer, installation, satellite Repairer Engineer, installation Engineer, service Engineer, maintenance Installer, satellite Man, service, sales Engineer, workshop Engineer, audio Retuner Mechanic, radio Engineer, visual, audio Electrician, radio Technician, television Technician, video Fitter, radio Mechanic Technician, service (radio, television, video servicing) Tuner Mechanic, television Technician Man, service Fitter, maintenance
Breaking down the official government big data sources by gender, age and region. Hours and pay data based on full time equlivalent roles.