*SOC Code (Standard Occupational Classification): 5423
Print finishing and binding workers bind books and other publications and finish printed items by hand or machine.
Common tasks include:
There are no formal academic requirements although some employers may require GCSEs/S grades. Training is typically received on-the-job. National Traineeships and apprenticeships in Machine Printing are available at NVQ/SVQ Levels 2 and 3.
*Introduced in 1990, SOC is a multi-purpose common classification of occupations in UK. Jobs are defined in terms of skill level and skill content, including qualifications, training and work experience.
Alternative & related job titles: Print finishing and binding workers
Finisher, photographic Embosser (printing) Assistant, bindery Retoucher (film processing) Machinist, collotype Assistant, bookbinder's Mounter, photographer's Developer (photographic film processing) Prover, colour (printing) Gilder (printing) Coverer (bookbinding) Trimmer (bookbinding) Blocker (bookbinding) Assistant, control, sensitometric Machinist, developing, film Tinter (film processing) Gilder (wallpaper mfr) Worker, process (film processing) Reeler (photographic film mfr) Colourer (wallpaper printing) Numberer (bookbinding) Gilder (bookbinding) Cutter, cloth (bookbinding) Machinist, duplicating, offset Dryer (photographic film mfr) Foreman (calico printers) Roller (bookbinding) Binder, stationer's Binder (bookbinding) Cutter, leather (bookbinding) Finisher, book (printing) Worker, copper, electro (textile printing) Passer, proof (lithography) Marbler (bookbinding) Gatherer (bookbinding) Technician, darkroom Enlarger Assistant, room, dark Cutter (bookbinding) Sewer, vellum Folder (bookbinding) Finisher (bookbinding) Binder, publisher's Binder, printer's Embosser, leather (bookbinding) Presser (bookbinding) Colourist, photographic Assistant, process (printing) Assembler, negative Binder (printing) Forwarder (bookbinding) Edger, gilt Pager (bookbinding) Assembler, film Retoucher, colour Binder, leather Restorer, book Binder, book Calculator, sensitometric Worker, bindery Perforator, pattern (paper dress pattern mfr) Grinder (printing) Finisher, gold Binder, vellum Finisher, printer's Marbler, paper Synchroniser (film, television production) Colourer, print Hand, general (bookbinding) Maker, book, pocket Loader, film Colourer, hand Sewer (bookbinding) Retoucher, photolitho Prover (Ordnance Survey) Finisher (printing) Spooler (photographic film mfr) Collator (printing) Perforator, stamp Perforator (bookbinding) Retoucher (printing) Dryer (photographic film processing) Duster (printing) Stitcher (printing) Splicer, film Folder, book Machinist, sewing (bookbinding) Maker, case, leather (bookbinding) Patcher (lithography) Prover (lithography) Assistant, presentation (printing) Folder (printing) Polisher, spray Developer, film Finisher, photo Machinist (bookbinding) Processor, photographic Machinist, combining (textile printing) Assistant, binder's Machinist, binding, perfect Bookbinder Machinist, embossing Washer (photographic film processing) Machinist, printing, film Mounter, process Finisher (process engraving) Foreman (textile mfr: printing dept) Spotter (film processing) Supervisor, finishing (printing) Perforator, card (stationery mfr) Processor, film Copyist, braille Colourist, postcard Manager, finishing (printing) Grader (photographic film processing) Joiner, film Loader, cassette, cartridge (photographic film mfr) Indexer (bookbinding) Maker, book, pattern Man, table (bookbinding) Plater (bookbinding) Mounter (printing) Handler (photographic film mfr) Assistant, warehouse, printing Retoucher, photographic Finisher, print Repairer, book Spotter (printing) Hand, dis Worker, film, colour Stitcher (bookbinding) Folder (rag book mfr) Prover, process (printing) Machinist (photographic film processing)
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