Getting a new job

Getting that promotion

How to get promoted

Get yourself noticed

You may have impeccable time-keeping and always get your work done, but this doesn't help to raise your profile in the workplace. You need to display passion for the job and a strong work ethic, show that you have leadership qualities and be seen as a team player.

First day at a new job

1. Be prepared

  • You’ll have read up about the company for your interview, so refresh your memory. Visit their website, and read recent news articles about them or any literature they have sent you.
  • If you’ve been told you’ll need to do a presentation, practise it the night before.
  • Do a test run of your drive/walk/commute. It’s advisable to arrive early to allow yourself time to settle in.
  • Get a good night’s sleep.

Exploring your career options

The more you know about a particular option, the easier it is to evaluate its suitability, based on the information you have gathered about yourself and your requirements. Things to consider include:

The job – What does it involve? What skills are required? What are the typical working hours? What are the opportunities for progression? What might be the challenges/difficulties? To what extent will the role enable you to use and further develop the skills and strengths that you enjoy using? How well does the role align with your career values and priorities?

Career change

A career change at any time of life takes courage and consideration. Here are some key questions to ask yourself before making any big decisions. 

What are your main skills, goals, interests and strengths?

Carefully consider what you are good at and what you enjoy doing. Are you a natural leader or do you work better alone? Are you particularly good at event organisation, budgeting, sales, writing? Skills aside, ask your family and friends what they perceive to be your best qualities - they may have some great advice and ideas.

Job hunting

Recruitment agencies

Many people believe that recruitment agencies are an easy option for job-hunting. They can be a useful additional method but to increase your chances of obtaining meaningful work, you will have to put in a lot of effort. You will need to: